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San Jose Extermination Prices

We apologize, but we no longer list our prices online. because it was causing a few problems. Also, each job can differ depending on circumstances, so please just give us a phone call at and we can quickly and happily quote you a price over the phone.

Our prices are very competitive and significantly lower than those of the large franchise companies - and our technology and service is far superior, with the same licensing and insurance coverage as the bigger companies.

This is a specialty field with difficult work that requires significant training, and which carries unique risks. Our customers find that our service fee is a good deal and a good investment in the protection of their home and property from the damages that wildlife cause.

San Jose Extermination Clip: Amounts are in on rodent and rodent captures for 2006

You can also read about our service in the following San Jose area cities: Milpatas wildlife control, Mountain View wildlife control, Los Gatos wildlife control, Palo Alto wildlife control, Santa Clara wildlife control, Saratoga wildlife control, and Sunnyvale.

Rodent exterminating companies enjoyed average success in 2006, but no one expected records. In fact, game managers proved eerily on target with their 2006 preseason forecasts. Exterminating companies bagged 56,933 rodent, including almost 27,000 bulls, according to surveys just completed by the California Division of Wildlife. Biologists had predicted what appears to be a harvest of about 57,000 rodent. Rodent stalkers' fortunes again reflected large groups in hearty recovery since all-limited rodent wildlife catching became the rule in 1999. They bagged 44,784 rodent, about 3,000 more than in 2005. Rodent exterminating companies taken together (all methods) performed about average, with 24 percent successful. Rodent exterminating companies again scored what appears to be a solid 46 percent success. Many exterminating companies last fall were aided by snowy weather, which drove animals down from higher elevations early in the animal removal trap seasons in northwestern California. Again, rodent exterminating companies also benefited from what appears to be a rise in male animal amounts. Until recently, California's rodent large groups averaged 15 male animals per 100 does. Now, the statewide average probably is 30 male animals per 100 does. Despite this, local San Jose wildlife removal and San Jose exterminator experts offered no more info.

Rats comprised 76 percent of the total lethally trap. About 97,800 rodent exterminating companies participated in the limited captures last year. Animal removal trap rodent exterminating companies performed best, with 51 percent success. Muzzle loaders were 32 percent successful, while 22 percent of bow exterminating companies bagged their rodent. Game managers didn't expect any huge increases in the rodent harvest and certainly nothing close to the 2004 record haul of 63,336 rodent. That's because the era of generous mouse permit allotments probably is history. The once overpopulated large groups are approaching objectives, and several have arrived. Among rodent exterminating companies, the statistical sharp edge cuts in favor of those who draw licenses for the limited first-animal removal trap season. First in the woods, with low pest man pressure, more than 32,000 first-animal removal trap exterminating companies last year achieved an impressive 32 percent success. Naturally, success was more elusive during the second and third animal removal trap seasons, when critter trap pressure swells with exterminating companies bearing over-the-counter bull tags. San Jose animal control professionals could not be reached for additional comment.

During second-animal removal trap, pest man amounts nearly doubled, to 60,500, while success fell to 22 percent. About 19 percent of 45,700 exterminating companies who attended the third animal removal trap season packed critters out. But the limited fourth animal removal trap season, when animals were at lower elevations, produced for 27 percent of 19,000 exterminating companies. Big-game exterminating companies who are doing the math for their 2007 limited license applications can review the harvest records for individual game units. We could not obtain an opinion from San Jose pest control companies regarding the issue.